Mini-Milestones Can’t Slip

I am a big proponent of the staged delivery concept of software development. McConnell’s treatment really brought it home for me when I first read Software Survival Guide. The recent Agile methods also preach the same ideas. It’s just good sense: Always have a buildable, releasable product.

The reason for this post is not to act as a cheerleader for staged delivery. It’s to vent-off some steam. At work, we have created a system of mini-milestones we are using to implement staged delivery. The other day we decide to slip a mini-milestone! Feature-creep /scope-creep caused us to miss a milestone!

I lost it. These milestones aren’t for creating releases (we are far from that). The milestones act as checkpoints during the development process. The fact that we slipped a mini-milestone tells me that our process needs to be examined. The fact that we slipped is a red flag to me. If we can’t contain scope-creep now, at this early point in the process, there is no way we can contain it later.