I thought I’d pull together some simple XUL examples you could load into XUL Explorer. It might help you get started using XUL Explorer. It may also help first-timers begin to see how XUL can be used to create a UI. Sometimes starting from scratch can be a hurdle.
Note: These are simply XUL files and if you’re using Firefox (or another XUL enabled browser), clicking the links will open the files in the browser instead of downloading to your machine. Right-click on the links and pick “Save Link As…” to save them to your machine.
- Entry form using a grid for layout: entryform-using-grid.xul
- Tabbox with groupboxes and other controls: tabbox-with-groups.xul
- Tree an popup menu: simple-tree-with-popupmenu.xul
- Simple text editor application: notepad-app.xul
- HTML in XUL example (using
to create a link): html-in-xul.xul
- SVG in XUL (lion): svg-in-xul-lion.xul
- SVG in XUL (parrot): svg-in-xul-parrot.xul
That’s some cool stuff!
Note that your simple tree file pops up a javascript error when you select an item since you’ve set an onselect attribute pointing to a non-existing function. Just thought I’d let you know.
Gijs – Thanks. It’s fixed now.