I’ve been playing around with some WS2818 / NeoPixel LED 8×8 grids and CircuitPython. The CircuitPython ecosystem is really rich and Adafruit makes some very handy support libraries. I was using the LED Animation library to create some patterns on the neopixel grid, but wanted to try adding more capabilities. The time-slicing approach made it nice to add other code without blocking the program executing while the animations were happening.
In particular, I wanted to add bitmap sprite animations and text scrolling. There are great libraries and examples in Adafruit’s collection of Learn tutorials, but I didn’t see anything that played well with the time-slicing. I took a crack at building some of my own support.
Animation Extras is a couple of simple code helpers that add bitmap sprite and text scrolling support by building on the LED Animation library.

The LED Animation library has some slick ways of grouping individual pixels to create patterns. I added helpers to create the rectangular animation pattern based on those grouping primitives. Checkout the repo for some example usage.
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